Download Excel file with information on all 25,000 texts, 755 million words

The texts come from the Phase 1 collection of EEBO texts from the Text Creation Partnership.

Decade # words # texts
1470s712,130 18
1480s3,706,937 43
1490s1,992,503 49
1500s1,288,091 45
1510s946,117 35
1520s3,042,934 73
1530s7,099,997 181
1540s8,709,681 239
1550s7,219,423 283
1560s16,084,901 361
1570s26,927,229 442
1580s31,955,245 558
1590s24,105,385 723
1600s40,031,223 898
1610s42,901,535 894
1620s38,550,967 994
1630s42,826,013 1036
1640s47,129,000 3805
1650s99,452,875 2416
1660s63,491,742 2481
1670s74,600,805 2421
1680s92,583,947 3977
1690s79,719,722 2999
TOTAL 755,078,402 24,971