TOP >  AB: Life
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AB:17:r:02}: Life: The body: Vascular system: Heart
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AB:17:r:02 Life: The body: Vascular system: Heart
  244350 heart 98020 hearts 10585 herte 8283 harte 7217 hartes 5353 hert 5185 heartes 3092 ventricle 3012 hertes 2090 hearte 1645 ventricles 463 valves 460 ears 425 praecordia 381 eares 315 valve 278 ear 270 atrium 235 hertis 143 eare 136 cordial 133 pericardium 97 auricula 93 auricle 74 cardine 63 auricles 40 cardines 39 auricular 39 hartys 34 cordiall 32 cardine 32 portal 32 portall 27 hull 26 cardines 21 hearr 21 heart-bag 20 portals 18 heartlesse 13 earlet 13 creeks 13 mitral 11 heartless 10 unitive