TOP >  AI: Physical sensation
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AI:04:b}: Physical sensation: Physical insensibility: Dullness of sense perception
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AI:04:b Physical sensation: Physical insensibility: Dullness of sense perception
486 dull 432 stupified 261 stupifie 126 stupifying 124 stupifies 99 stupifying 66 stunn'd 61 stupefied 55 daze 49 amazed 43 stun'd 42 silly 35 stun 34 stupify'd 31 dulling 27 stupifying 27 stupifi'd 27 duller 26 stunned 25 torpid 23 stupefies 23 astonied 22 stupefying 21 stupefying 18 dul 17 obtuse 16 stunning 16 damps 16 dullest 15 dulling 14 smoke 13 dull 13 stupefaction 12 stuns 12 dulled 12 stunn'd 11 damp 11 stupefy 10 amaze 10 smoak 10 amaz'd 10 stupid