TOP >  AM: Time
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AM:02:b:01}: Time: Duration: Shortness/brevity in time: Swift movement of time
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AM:02:b:01 Time: Duration: Shortness/brevity in time: Swift movement of time
  22663 temporal 21986 temporall 3582 apace 3165 transitory 2691 fly 1612 transient 1606 transitorie 1365 fumes 1327 quickly 1091 waxen 1067 of 1059 day 1059 a 1049 fume 1027 sublunary 1026 flie 1001 secular 920 fleeting 853 diurnal 637 flying 600 temporally 584 temporals 541 flye 520 flies 482 fluidity 479 fraile 446 frail 430 succinctly 336 diurnall 326 flew 251 swift 197 frayle 167 flowne 163 transitorye 135 flown 119 ephemera 110 transytory 102 transiently 98 flyes 93 passing 89 flowen 83 flyeth 81 running 74 short-winded 70 fledg'd 66 ephemeron 62 brittle 55 flieth 51 fugitive 48 flight 46 temporalities 45 fumeth 45 swifter 45 fugitives 42 indurable 39 vading 38 evanid 36 shadowish 36 transitoriness 36 breath 35 passable 31 fledged 30 clouds 30 perishing 29 urgent 29 brisk 27 quickely 26 transitorily 24 horary 20 hourly 20 shadowy 20 fledge 18 flitter 18 fleeting 18 cloud 18 volatile 17 decayable 17 spin 15 fugitiues 15 transcient 14 speedy 13 fugitiue 13 quickness 12 flitting 12 frailer 11 fleetness 11 fleet 11 flys 11 sped 11 transitories 10 delible