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CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AM:05:b}: Time: Day and night: Night
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AM:05:b Time: Day and night: Night
141658 night 17471 the 17469 in 10289 nights 7521 nyght 6996 midnight 1277 nyghte 1179 watch 1014 nox 951 nighte 850 nightes 662 nightly 605 nocturnal 514 nightly 498 late 483 over 385 night-time 358 at 301 watches 281 sleep 277 of 277 dead 260 mydnyght 216 nocturnall 177 waking 147 mydnight 119 sleepe 95 cock-crowing 87 watche 70 overnight 67 night-season 67 benighted 55 a-nights 52 midnights 50 by 45 bedtime 44 midnighte 36 midnyght 36 quarter 31 quarters 28 dark 28 nyghtly 26 nite 23 tonight 21 night-time 19 noon 19 moonshine 17 nites 16 darke 16 night-owls 15 latest 15 cock-crow 12 nighted 11 nyt 11 darkmans 10 watcheth 10 cock-crowing