TOP >  AM: Time
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AM:06:a}: Time: Instruments for measuring time: Clock
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AM:06:a Time: Instruments for measuring time: Clock
12420 clock 7256 stroke 7032 clocke 3362 strokes 2139 alarm 2024 dial 1713 alarum 1270 stroak 1111 alarme 1090 alarms 973 stroake 910 diall 890 striking 665 clocks 605 stroaks 588 gain 469 back 461 alarmes 431 stroakes 430 alarums 429 dials 419 put 361 scapes 343 gained 280 dyall 269 allarm 242 allarum 200 gaine 185 tick 169 scaping 156 allarme 146 time 140 pendulum 130 allarms 129 clockes 117 scape 115 grandfather 106 gaining 101 smite 77 gain'd 68 clok 57 allarums 56 smote 52 allarmes 38 scaped 38 putting 35 gains 31 alarume 31 grandfathers 28 clock-maker 27 tempered 26 clock-house 25 pendulums 21 watch 21 ruled 20 smitten 20 diadroms 18 grashoppers 18 dial-plate 17 fingers 17 clock-keeper 17 tyme 16 gaines 16 temper 16 punctilio 15 knocks 15 pallet 14 larum 14 diadrom 13 smyte 13 grandmother 13 puts 13 gayne 12 rule 12 grashopper 12 pin 12 butt 12 teller 12 clock-makers 11 back 11 finger 11 tow 11 frame 10 smiting 10 vibrates 10 knock 10 jarring