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CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AM:08:d}: Time: Relative time: The future/time to come
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AM:08:d Time: Relative time: The future/time to come
1742090 then 283857 new 112924 afterwards 109661 follow 78274 on 72827 just 72338 ever 58322 for 51874 whereupon 47647 as 45742 hereafter 44352 followed 38112 of 37620 afterward 36206 following 31707 followeth 24555 iust 24265 since 23861 after 23573 follows 23472 newe 23202 so 23043 by 22428 future 19284 succession 18551 sith 17587 successors 16585 succeeded 13027 morrow 12988 ensuing 12497 future 12031 successor 11672 from 10083 succeed 10050 due 10030 thence 9234 since 8808 followes 8648 henceforth 8435 ensue 8402 followe 8059 synnes 7886 approach 7278 folowe 7177 scarcely 6713 foloweth 6624 mourne 5939 infra 5754 successours 5731 afterwardes 5691 forth 5390 wherevpon 5296 folowed 5216 latter 5020 by 5016 order 4938 folow 4924 hence 4847 following 4746 to 4642 successour 4630 thereafter 4553 at 4515 late 4462 follow'd 4340 novelty 4137 going 3957 ensued 3914 later 3819 after 3800 imminent 3742 wherupon 3359 subsequent 3227 hand 2709 succeeding 2605 succeeding 2532 innovations 2472 approaches 2399 succeeds 2271 hereafter 2065 novelties 2053 morowe 1950 whervpon 1937 folowing 1908 innovation 1851 posterity 1809 morn 1751 heereafter 1662 iuste 1644 ensueth 1638 morow 1612 utmost 1536 fresh 1493 approch 1469 underneath 1448 succeded 1437 newness 1340 succeede 1331 the 1326 point 1309 about 1273 insuing 1254 sens 1251 newnesse 1219 further 1190 insue 1145 consequently 1137 successions 1125 henceforward 1081 evermore 1077 folowyng 1061 novel 1039 folowynge 1001 near 1000 nouelties 977 new 918 owe 891 thenceforth 887 after 881 lately 879 nevv 863 herafter 828 eminent 826 succeedeth 822 tomorrow 804 now 802 innouation 796 recent 795 noueltie 784 novel 764 whereuppon 760 vnderneath 749 succede 746 thereupon 740 wherevppon 739 consequence 724 after-ages 723 newly 721 hencefoorth 708 successively 697 after-times 686 morrowe 682 new-found 665 therafter 656 lastly 655 will 652 ensues 642 neere 604 insued 599 newest 576 euermore 558 nouelty 553 thane 551 consequents 542 below 542 come 542 scarsly 524 innovators 522 newer 520 as 508 approche 502 that 498 approches 474 foorth 468 impending 450 thenceforward 445 heerafter 437 newnes 433 to 419 posteritie 413 should 399 novels 397 series 395 mint 373 since 372 innouations 367 forwards 360 after 357 insueth 350 syns 347 prospective 347 folowinge 331 followyng 328 approacheth 328 willed 317 subsequent 317 follovv 316 nearer 301 therewith 300 pursue 296 with 288 late 284 would 281 novell 277 nevve 276 hensforth 269 new-made 262 impendent 235 aftervvards 235 beside
AM:08:d:01 Time: Relative time: The future/time to come: Succession/following in time
  1742090 then 109661 follow 44352 followed 36880 afterward 36206 following 31707 followeth 23573 follows 19200 succession 18067 sith 17587 successors 16585 succeeded 12741 morrow 12652 ensuing 12031 successor 10083 succeed 8808 followes 8435 ensue 8402 followe 7278 folowe 6713 foloweth 5754 successours 5296 folowed 5016 order 5011 by 4938 folow 4642 successour 4462 follow'd 3957 ensued 3359 subsequent 2709 succeeding 2399 succeeds 2018 morowe 1937 folowing 1931 after 1686 succeeding 1644 ensueth 1621 morow 1448 succeded 1340 succeede 1309 about 1251 insuing 1190 insue 1145 consequently 1134 successions 1077 folowyng 1039 folowynge 826 succeedeth 749 succede 739 consequence 724 after-ages 708 successively 673 morrowe 652 ensues 604 insued 553 thane 432 that 422 consequents 397 series 360 after 357 insueth 347 folowinge 331 followyng 317 follovv 317 subsequent 317 to 300 pursue 296 with 227 descent 227 ensuyng 226 ensu'd 214 followers 203 pursued 191 followinge 188 arrears 186 sequence 184 successive 175 consequences 162 succeding 158 ensuing 144 upon 144 follovveth 144 followd 143 follovved 140 followest 129 succed 128 succeedes 126 aftertimes 122 follovving 122 sued 117 morrows 115 successiuely 114 nephew 112 success 112 joyn 109 joyned 107 morrowes 103 sue 98 ensueing 97 ioyned 94 pursuing 86 supervening 83 juxt 80 sequences 80 successfully 77 juxt 73 subsequenter 69 following 69 ensewing 65 descending 65 ensuinge 64 joined 64 joyning 64 arrear 63 subsequence 59 moro 52 pursuit 52 succedyd 47 successe 45 join 41 foremost 39 succeding 37 succedent 37 formost 36 discent 36 descents 32 supervening 30 after-age 29 successes 29 fellowed 28 joyne 27 succedyng 27 train 27 postnate 25 joyn'd 25 nephews 24 insuing 23 pursues 23 phoenix 20 instant 20 sequel 19 follow'st 19 suit 18 crastin 18 insu'd 18 aftertime 18 pursueth 18 suing 17 joining 17 pursu'd 16 ioyning 16 ensuyng 15 persue 15 joyns 14 follower 13 succedents 13 inherit 13 ioyneth 12 ioined 11 sequele 11 pursute 11 arreares 11 followedst 10 successefully 10 morrovve 10 sequell 10 aboute
AM:08:d:02 Time: Relative time: The future/time to come: Newness/novelty, recency
  283857 new 72827 just 24555 iust 23472 newe 7177 scarcely 4340 novelty 2532 innovations 2065 novelties 1908 innovation 1662 iuste 1536 fresh 1437 newness 1251 newnesse 1061 novel 1000 nouelties 977 new 879 nevv 804 now 802 innouation 796 recent 795 noueltie 784 novel 723 newly 682 new-found 656 lastly 599 newest 570 lately 558 nouelty 542 scarsly 524 innovators 522 newer 437 newnes 399 novels 395 mint 372 innouations 288 late 281 novell 277 nevve 269 new-made 234 original 226 nouel 213 young 211 newe 209 nue 206 nouell 183 youth 179 innovating 168 scarce 158 recenter 155 novell 150 innovator 123 scarcelie 108 freshe 104 virgin 103 never-fading 100 moist 91 nouel 90 youthfull 79 of 79 newfangled 76 recently 75 scarselie 75 nouels 74 nouell 67 this 67 moment 67 youthful 66 originall 65 raw 62 new-created 62 fangles 61 sometime 60 scarcelye 58 freshly 55 scarely 55 innovated 52 new-sprung 50 originality 48 new-invented 45 novity 44 new-fashioned 42 cool 42 foretime 42 fangle 38 last 30 virent 29 scarslie 29 noueltyes 27 fresher 26 novations 26 noueltye 25 moyst 24 nowe 22 novators 22 cooled 22 late 21 yong 19 low 19 coole 19 puny 18 newed 17 nouelles 16 minte 16 freshness 16 rawe 15 cooling 15 renovant 15 foretimes 15 new-devised 14 fire-new 14 novellers 14 new-comers 13 news 13 freshnesse 12 freshest 12 virgine 11 younger 11 unheard 10 recentest 10 renovant