TOP >  AN: Movement
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AN:02:d}: Movement: Motion in specific manner: Writhing/twisting movement
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AN:02:d Movement: Motion in specific manner: Writhing/twisting movement
1120 twisted 562 twist 213 twisting 140 writhed 120 writhe 119 twists 116 wriggle 56 wrest 48 writhing 45 twinings 35 wrested 35 twistings 33 contortions 32 eely 27 writh'd 26 wresting 25 writhe 24 contortion 23 wriggling 23 wrinch 23 wries 22 contorsions 21 wrinching 20 wreathed 19 wriggled 17 wriggles 15 wrinched 15 wriggling 14 wresting 13 wring 10 wrung 10 twined 10 wresting 10 writhes