TOP >  AO: Action/operation
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AO:17:b}: Action/operation: Prosperity: Success
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AO:17:b Action/operation: Prosperity: Success
43503 victory 28001 success 22670 successe 16799 overcome 16354 victorie 15530 advantage 13599 win 12713 ouercome 10693 victories 9872 won 8638 wonne 8271 well 7367 winne 5213 prize 4661 superiority 3883 advantages 3703 successes 3416 successful 2691 overcame 2651 ouercame 2434 succeed 2269 winning 2239 succeeded 2066 invincible 1991 wynne 1938 superioritie 1884 obtained 1490 atchievements 1481 obtain 1454 aduantage 1365 victorye 1364 prizes 1364 woon 1338 attainment 1299 in 1290 too 1288 for 1258 good 1255 successfully 1248 it 1210 award 1157 overcomes 1121 much 994 overcometh 993 defeated 985 walk 905 thing 905 wins 895 shift 895 ouercommeth 894 mastery 872 inuincible 871 wyn 868 hit 796 overcoming 775 infallible 761 successefull 734 skirmish 724 victorious 696 obtaine 677 winning 665 winneth 664 attainments 624 atchieued 611 conquest 607 gain 574 exploits 558 obtaining 543 promise 542 successfull 528 prove 525 winning 522 atchieved 517 skirmished 507 carry 506 invincibly 502 promised 497 woone 485 vyctorye 477 skirmishing 472 vyctory 446 triumphant 442 wone 440 thrive 436 succeeding 409 atchievement 397 winnes 383 succesful 381 succeeds 369 ouercomen 368 atchieve 360 o'recome 355 succesfull 353 victors 335 triumph 331 ouercomming 322 defeat 317 sort 301 succes 300 triumph 299 drowned 298 winn 288 overwhelming 287 gained 285 victor 284 conquering 280 overthrow 278 succesfully 277 overthrown 274 walked 273 vanquish 269 atchievments 258 proved 255 carried 250 hit 240 of 240 the 240 mark 239 gaine 239 account 239 a 229 away 226 conquered 215 proof 212 woonne 211 masteries 211 ouercom 205 victoryes 198 superiorities 198 exploit 195 give 193 attaining 188 masterie 182 conquests 180 obtain'd 179 successefully 179 managed 177 conquer 176 accomplishment 174 have 171 medals 169 many 166 odds 165 successeful 163 overcom 162 proofe 160 wun 158 manage 154 unsubdued 153 unconquerable 146 carrying 145 master 144 jewel 140 atchieuements 139 wonn 137 prevailing 135 string 133 succeede 132 wel 126 score 124 wynnynge 123 vantage 123 wynnyng 120 usurper 118 obtayne 114 gaining 113 achievements 112 atchiev'd 111 proofs 111 triumphs 109 drown 109 successively 109 uictory 108 wynneth 105 proofes 104 obteine 102 allay 101 usurpers 100 make 100 obtains 99 obteined 99 aduantages 97 with 93 succeded 93 wunne 93 withstand 92 inaccessible 91 medal 91 maistry 91 thriue 91 overwhelmed 86 ouerthrow 86 finished 85 masters 84 winnings 84 promising 84 prizeth 84 sensation 83 better 83 routed
AO:17:b:01 Action/operation: Prosperity: Success: Mastery/superiority
  16799 overcome 15530 advantage 12713 ouercome 4661 superiority 3883 advantages 2691 overcame 2651 ouercame 2066 invincible 1938 superioritie 1454 aduantage 1290 too 1288 for 1157 overcomes 1121 much 994 overcometh 993 defeated 895 ouercommeth 894 mastery 872 inuincible 796 overcoming 611 conquest 506 invincibly 369 ouercomen 360 o'recome 331 ouercomming 322 defeat 299 drowned 288 overwhelming 280 overthrow 277 overthrown 230 vanquish 211 ouercom 211 masteries 210 it 198 superiorities 188 masterie 182 conquests 174 have 169 many 166 odds 163 overcom 154 unsubdued 153 unconquerable 145 master 137 prevailing 123 vantage 120 usurper 109 drown 102 allay 101 usurpers 99 aduantages 92 inaccessible 91 maistry 91 overwhelmed 86 ouerthrow 86 finished 85 masters 83 routed 81 round 75 superiorite 73 down 70 ouerwhelming 69 quench 62 bang'd 60 o'ercome 58 ouerwhelmed 54 drowne 52 overthrows 52 cut 51 defeating 49 oddes 48 walk 48 prevailings 48 maistery 45 overthrowing 45 priviledges 44 ods 44 inexpugnable 42 vanquishing 42 ouerthrowne 39 quell 39 overpowering 36 had 35 quenched 35 defeate 34 overwhelm 34 prevailer 33 evicted 33 tyrannous 33 overthrowers 31 quellers 31 vnconquerable 30 overthrower 29 ouerthrowe 29 surmount 29 couched 27 superioritye 27 conqueror 27 queller 25 ouerthrowen 23 finish 23 insuperable 23 preuailing 23 drown'd 23 invincibleness 23 vsurper 22 surmounted 21 vanquisher 20 prevalency 19 evince 19 reduc'd 19 ouerthrowing 19 flung 18 surprizing 18 overthrowne 18 beat 18 drowning 18 priviledge 17 overthroweth 17 fling 17 prevalent 17 ouerthroweth 17 vsurpers 17 rout 16 quelled 16 surprising 16 prevailers 16 maister 16 beaten 16 eminence 16 vanquishe 15 evict 15 privileges 15 reduced 14 thrash'd 14 privilege 14 finish'd 14 finisht 13 taken 13 apart 13 overwhelm'd 13 thrasht 13 thrash 13 walking 13 thrashing 12 vanquishers 12 prevailed 12 unsuperable 12 invinsible 12 invincibility 11 walked 11 cutting 11 ouerwhelme 11 conquerant 11 throw 11 conquerors 11 down 11 overpower 11 overpowered 10 overcomed 10 unvanquishable 10 vanquisheth
AO:17:b:02 Action/operation: Prosperity: Success: Token of victory/supreme excellence
  5213 prize 1364 prizes 1210 award 171 medals 144 jewel 91 medal 84 prizeth 82 awarde 77 palme 75 jewels 66 awards 60 jewell 42 palm 40 wreath 36 iewel 32 palms 29 wager 29 palm-branches 23 palmes 23 wreaths 17 crown 14 laureated 12 iewels 10 palm-branch