TOP >  AO: Action/operation
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AO:20:a}: Action/operation: Failure/lack of success: Defeat/overthrow
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AO:20:a Action/operation: Failure/lack of success: Defeat/overthrow
18973 lost 11982 lose 6648 overthrow 4989 ouerthrow 4198 defeat 1680 ouerthrowe 1512 losing 987 defeats 979 loste 927 fall 877 loss 625 pharsalia 569 losing 442 losse 437 defeate 436 ouerthrowes 344 loseth 308 loses 297 foyled 263 overthrows 241 looseth 226 losing 219 fall 209 confusion 202 losses 111 losed 103 defeates 102 foil'd 81 falls 72 overthrowe 68 vincible 68 foiled 67 discomfiture 55 fell 53 falling 53 creant 50 falls 44 ouerthroweth 37 losest 35 fallen 33 foyl'd 29 fal 28 losyng 27 ouerthrows 27 overthroweth 26 losings 23 losynge 21 foil 20 loser 19 craven 17 discomfitures 17 loseing 16 foile 15 losyng 15 creant 14 faln 14 foyle 13 losers 12 annihilate 12 falne 11 confounding 10 expugnable 10 confounded