TOP >  AO: Action/operation
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AO:22:d:03}: Action/operation: Behaviour: Bad behaviour: Harshness/severity
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AO:22:d:03 Action/operation: Behaviour: Bad behaviour: Harshness/severity
  2310 harsh 261 dangerous 178 hardly 157 severe 133 harshness 110 sore 95 rigid 94 rigidly 87 hard 86 ruggedness 72 implacable 69 durities 67 harshnesse 64 harsher 63 severity 50 ruggednesse 49 ruggedly 44 rugged 41 austere 28 severely 27 harshest 19 heavy 18 austerity 17 duresse 14 duress 14 harshe 12 sharp 12 sharply 12 roundly 12 durity 10 rigidness 10 severest