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CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AP:04:h}: Relative properties: Number: Hundred and over
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AP:04:h Relative properties: Number: Hundred and over
39367 thousand 25701 hundred 11007 millions 7702 hund 2916 million 2545 thousands 1322 thousande 1248 grosse 1027 gross 933 hundreth 432 hundreds 354 sixscore 206 thowsand 135 myriads 130 milions 101 tomans 99 sixscore 92 thousandes 64 hundered 61 cent 60 myllon 60 thowsande 50 grosses 49 hundredfold 40 hondred 36 grose 36 milion 28 thousandfold 24 hunder'd 21 millon 21 hunded 18 toman 18 second 16 hunderd 16 centuple 13 myriad 13 houndred 12 centesms 11 centupled 10 hundredes