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CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AP:04:v:03}: Relative properties: Number: Computing/information technology: Programming language
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AP:04:v:03 Relative properties: Number: Computing/information technology: Programming language
  14974 instruction 12722 instructions 1751 compiled 867 ada 443 compile 368 language 317 interrupts 262 skip 221 compiling 209 macro 199 compyled 144 compil'd 131 address 86 addresses 83 skips 82 interrupteth 81 compyle 64 load 49 laden 42 languages 35 index 34 skippe 28 algol 24 compiles 21 compilde 21 interrupt 18 addresse 18 loads 18 shift 17 parity 15 shifts 15 loaden 13 variable 13 worms 13 loaded 12 load 11 shiftes