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CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AP:06:b:01}: Relative properties: Quantity: Sufficient quantity/amount/degree: Abundance
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AP:06:b:01 Relative properties: Quantity: Sufficient quantity/amount/degree: Abundance
  29288 abundance 13901 abundantly 13517 abound 7592 plentifully 6644 abundant 5004 aboundance 4575 abounding 3333 abounds 2704 abounded 2415 plenty 1819 aboundantly 1803 aboundeth 1510 copia 1447 bottomlesse 1424 plenty 1271 aboundant 1226 luxurious 1183 profuse 1023 bottomless 885 aboundaunce 815 rash 680 abundaunce 650 plentie 595 abounde 457 much 442 wealth 423 abounding 403 profusion 393 teeming 389 banquet 385 profusely 356 liberally 353 plentie 347 abounding 304 pour 301 copias 278 poured 232 routh 228 enough 214 plentifullie 212 choice 172 store 165 abundantlie 163 profuseness 148 copies 140 aboundantlie 137 copy 132 spring-tide 128 pouring 127 luxuriously 125 spring-tides 123 aboundaunt 122 aboundauntly 113 ample 111 habounde 105 pouring 97 plentifull 94 luxuriousnesse 93 abundaunt 92 banquets 85 abundanter 78 plenteousness 76 accumulated 75 plentiful 73 abundauntly 73 plente 69 plentye 67 banket 66 profusions 60 copious 59 fertile 58 fatness 54 powring 54 aboundantlye 53 pour'd 51 rashe 51 fouth 49 lavishly 48 numerous 47 affluence 46 deluge 46 plentifulness 44 aboundes 41 generous 39 inexhaustible 39 powring 38 liberal 38 bound 37 showring 37 fatnesse 34 amplitude 34 lush 33 aboundyng 33 handsomely 30 fat 29 fertility 28 a 27 lusher 27 plenteous 27 handsomly 27 rifely 25 plenteously 25 muche 24 luxuriousness 24 largely 23 plenties 23 aboundings 21 abudantly 20 plente 20 liberallie 20 unstinted 20 gathered 19 amassed 19 lauishly 19 accumulate 19 plentye 18 amased 18 liberall 17 handsome 17 fluent 17 profuser 17 flush 17 speed 17 gushed 15 gather 15 pours 15 superabound 15 choise 14 abundances 14 lavish 13 by 13 the 13 bumper 13 choyce 13 fertilitie 13 bounded 13 superabounding 13 measled 12 rained 12 redundantly 12 stores 12 wealths 12 plenitude 12 fecund 11 bankets 11 profusest 11 rich 11 aboundauntlie 11 amply 11 copiously 11 rains 11 poureth 11 flowers 10 welth 10 luxuriantly 10 generously 10 floure 10 flower 10 aboundinge 10 abudance 10 copie