TOP >  AR: The mind
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AR:45}: The mind: Belief, opinion
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AR:45:a The mind: Belief, opinion: School of thought, ideology
19074 hereticks 11301 gospel 9648 school 9519 schools 8480 schoole 6220 heretick 6003 schooles 5552 gospell 2185 hereticke 1913 profess 1652 schole 1604 heretique 1520 teaching 1449 heretiques 1292 heretics 1260 professed 1223 orthodox 1023 profess'd 962 theological 940 scholes 902 professe 855 professing 704 testified 669 testifie 609 scole 541 heresies 513 heretic 502 heresie 474 superstition 438 reduc'd 389 feign'd 389 confess'd 356 gospels 354 aspect 291 professeth 251 testifies 215 testifieth 206 teachings 202 heresy 193 testify 191 favour'd 191 confess 185 professes 175 fain'd 174 theologically 170 unsound 159 testify'd 152 testifying 148 superstitions 138 learning 131 proselyted 127 soundness 125 profest 123 misbelief 119 phasis 117 succession 116 testifi'd 115 soundnesse 93 error 91 aspects 75 errors 74 feigned 71 feign 69 favoured 65 testifyed 53 disciple 46 heriticke 43 confessed 39 stripes 39 lore 39 sincere 39 misbelieving 38 fauoured 38 tendries 35 sects 34 faign'd 33 syndrome 33 discipled 32 misbelieve 31 sect 29 proselyting 27 scoule 26 skole 26 errour 25 gospells 24 fauour'd 23 confest 23 tendry 23 testifyeth 22 symbolize 22 feigning 22 theology 22 vnsound 21 confesse 18 evangel 18 reduc't 18 reduce 16 orthodoxy 15 errours 13 stripe 13 fayned 12 professest 11 reduced 11 confessing 11 teachyng 11 heterodox 10 heresyes 10 converted 10 schooleth 10 symbolizing
AR:45:b The mind: Belief, opinion: Belief, trust, confidence
35156 trust 19392 faith 9333 confidence 4847 hope 3571 trusty 2875 truth 1936 credit 1672 confident 1651 truste 1480 confide 1315 trusts 1283 trustie 1280 reposed 1172 stay'd 1140 trusting 1060 fayth 1017 affiance 932 stay 880 depend 844 surely 844 repose 610 satisfaction 527 trusted 512 repose 500 confided 453 confiding 421 safely 414 truths 398 assured 342 depends 322 trist 295 repos'd 293 hang'd 278 hopes 262 assure 260 depending 231 rest 209 betrusted 195 troth 169 depended 159 reposing 158 faythe 147 faithe 147 credite 138 leves 135 trustiest 132 belief 117 assuring 111 leve 107 confider 102 confydence 99 grounded 99 stai'd 95 assures 95 hope 91 confiding 83 trustye 83 wreathing 81 fearless 78 confides 70 fiducial 67 beliefe 67 dependeth 64 stretch'd 63 rested 60 traisting 60 arrested 60 trueth 58 betrust 56 reposeth 56 trustyng 55 staying 53 confidences 44 tryste 44 resting 44 wrethed 43 stay'st 39 venture 36 faiths 34 fiance 34 sover 32 hang 32 hopes 32 trustiness 29 trustes 29 fiducially 29 assur'd 26 arrest 25 reliance 25 fiduciary 24 feith 24 stays 23 affied 23 reposes 23 credence 21 feyth 20 affy 20 credits 20 stayed 19 'faith 19 credent 19 trusters 18 reposer 18 trast 18 trustynge 18 trustinge 18 confiance 18 rests 18 hung 17 affying 17 dependance 17 suerly 17 trvst 16 affies 16 depende 15 hanging 15 salve 15 wrethe 15 truthe 14 fearelesse 13 confiders 12 truthes 12 hangs 12 hanged 11 dependence 11 fearlesse 10 safelie
AR:45:c The mind: Belief, opinion: Act of convincing, conviction
7764 conviction 6129 faith 5796 convinced 4461 convincing 2676 forcibly 2080 assur'd 2008 convictions 1590 faithfully 1480 perswaded 1273 convinc'd 1207 resolv'd 1180 swallow'd 1163 coercive 1038 convince 939 swallow 760 implicitly 711 questionless 704 swallowed 702 forc'd 666 confirm'd 665 conuinced 640 convincingly 515 convinc'd 508 convinced 496 conuiction 470 implicitely 394 evince 374 assured 318 forceably 264 evinc'd 216 swalowed 212 convictive 211 perswade 209 swallowing 199 ensure 197 evinced 185 assure 136 persuaded 136 ensured 130 convinc't 126 convincement 125 satisfied 124 forcible 123 satisfie 112 satisfy'd 111 convicted 109 induc'd 109 fayth 100 persuade 97 coercion 94 resolved 93 satisfi'd 89 forc't 84 faythfully 81 perswasive 74 swallows 73 conuinced 66 convincing 65 perswasion 63 'faith 60 well-wrought 58 confirmed 58 confirm 57 conuince 57 possess'd 52 induce 50 persuasive 50 ensuring 42 convict 41 assuring 38 resolu'd 38 convinc't 38 forceablie 37 unsuspected 36 implicit 34 secure 34 resolve 34 assures 33 persuasion 32 implicity 32 evinc't 32 forced 31 conuicted 30 evinces 30 assurance 30 fish'd 29 swallowes 29 evincing 28 ensures 27 convinceth 27 perswading 27 convinceing 26 force 26 confident 25 swallowe 25 induced 24 possession 23 fish 22 convinces 22 convincent 21 implicite 21 forceable 20 persuading 19 satisfy 19 faiths 17 satisfaction 17 confirme 17 svvallovved 16 secured 16 faithfullie 16 unsuspecting 15 convictively 15 resolves 15 perswades 14 swalloweth 14 resolving 13 perswasions 11 faythe 11 persuasions 11 perswasiue 10 convincible 10 evict 10 unsuspicious 10 convincements 10 freaks 10 freak
AR:45:d The mind: Belief, opinion: Credulity
3497 credulous 2511 credulity 500 credulitie 217 fondly 101 over-credulous 96 implicit 89 implicite 88 with 88 away 84 credulously 54 run 40 credulities 30 swallow 29 swallows 12 swallowes 12 ran 11 runs 10 running 10 lame
AR:45:e The mind: Belief, opinion: Expressed belief, opinion
141496 opinion 46178 opinions 26135 view 9964 reputed 9814 mind 2830 notion 2600 allow'd 2539 allowed 2507 minds 2181 my 1820 allow 1753 minde 1642 plac'd 1624 in 1497 measure 1450 assist 1424 sentence 1419 argue 1201 notions 1061 hug 1043 contain'd 1016 viewe 768 opynyon 759 believe 729 account 723 counsell 647 argues 633 vulgar 631 counsel 587 argued 577 breath 557 to 554 repute 536 respect 534 arguing 533 assisted 466 views 460 doom'd 425 mindes 407 vew 388 supposal 375 contained 375 self-conceit 372 reputing 362 doom 358 judg'd 355 opynion 351 place 350 argu'd 334 measures 322 feeling 314 allowing 313 sight 308 esteem'd 281 sounder 280 vewe 260 opynyons 260 assisting 259 placed 256 vote 252 believed 242 consent 239 sentences 237 allows 231 counsels 223 dom 223 oppinion 213 vogue 209 angled 207 suppose 207 mynde 200 votes 195 hugg'd 187 hugging 181 opinon 179 hugge 177 veiw 172 plac't 168 suffrage 167 judicature 164 hugs 162 argueth 160 count 151 opinionated 147 hugg 147 trowed 143 supposals 138 reverence 134 opinionative 131 mote 125 conceit 125 doome 125 opine 124 believing 121 advice 121 weening 117 reputation 117 hal'd 112 beleeve 112 intended 108 suffrages 102 conceiv'd 101 bow'd 101 hug'd 99 judge 98 viewes 95 supposed 93 hugged 90 consider'd 89 sentiments 87 esteemed 87 resolv'd 84 conceptions 82 counsaile 80 thoughts 80 round 78 conception 77 accounts 75 believes 74 phaenomenon 73 wit 72 estimation 70 festu 67 assent 67 respects 66 opinioned 65 overturn'd 63 resentment 63 think 61 halled 61 motes 60 angles 59 huggs 59 trow 58 mynd 53 alloweth 49 myndes 48 climate 48 opinionated 47 opined 47 assists 47 councells 46 revulsion 44 alowed 44 opinionate 44 angle 44 allowe 43 opinionate 43 settl'd 42 judicatures 41 vend 41 judged 40 thought 38 haule 37 resentments 37 opinious 37 hall'd 36 opining 34 conceive 34 veiwe 34 conceits 33 supposeth 33 stated 32 supposes 31 state 31 thought 31 believ'd 31 estimate 30 setled 30 resolved 30 contain 29 venturous 29 opiniator 29 judgers 28 opiniators 28 allowes 28 haul 28 counsells 27 beleeved 27 dooms 27 mood 26 apprehension 26 reuerence 26 judging 26 weened 26 position 26 containing 25 climates 25 judger 25 converted 25 contein'd 24 bow 24 consider 24 intend 24 beleeving 22 alow'd 22 wheel'd 22 misdeeming 22 pitch 21 angle
AR:45:f The mind: Belief, opinion: Extreme opinion, dogmatism
1236 judiciously 411 dogmatical 377 magisterial 291 zeal 285 fanaticism 196 zealots 184 iudiciously 92 dogmatize 91 fanatick 73 zeale 70 zealot 57 dogmatically 49 dogmatizing 45 positive 41 magisterially 40 fanatically 38 pragmaticalness 35 hobby 35 fanatical 27 high-flown 24 fanaticisms 21 pragmatical 18 dogmatists 17 forward 17 dogmatized 16 dogmatizing 15 fanatic 14 majesterial 14 dogmatizers 13 dogmatizer 11 cock-sure
AR:45:g The mind: Belief, opinion: Bias, prejudice, intolerance
19122 prejudice 3937 prejudices 3550 preiudice 997 prejudiced 885 parochial 846 provincial 524 prepossessed 434 prejudice 360 tampering 353 parochiall 347 bigotted 290 prepossession 270 prepossess'd 226 prejudic'd 218 prejudic'd 215 tamper 196 prepossest 192 bigots 177 prepossessions 154 tampered 153 prejudiced 146 provinciall 141 prepossess 135 prejudicate 132 bigot 95 prepossessed 84 prevention 84 prevent 77 tamper'd 75 narrow 70 preiudice 62 byass'd 61 prouinciall 61 narrowly 57 preoccupated 55 preoccupate 55 illiberall 50 possess'd 48 inveteracy 46 illiberall 45 illiberal 41 prejudicious 38 prepossessing 37 prejudicated 34 prejudicated 32 preconceptions 31 byassed 29 prevented 28 biass'd 28 one-eyed 27 prepossest 27 illiberal 25 narrow-spirited 25 prejudicing 25 sway 24 inveterate 23 prejudged 23 prepossess'd 23 tampers 22 crusted 21 illiberality 20 insulary 19 bigotry 19 prepossesses 17 parochially 17 sway'd 16 byass'd 15 illiberally 15 preconceit 14 mumpsimus 14 prejudicacy 13 reaction 13 prejudicating 13 prejudices 13 bigottry 13 engagement 13 bigoted 12 engagements 12 possess 10 possessed 10 preventing