TOP >  AS: Attention, judgment, curiosity
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AS:22}: Attention, judgment, curiosity: Absence of beauty, ugliness
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AS:22:a Attention, judgment, curiosity: Absence of beauty, ugliness: Disfigurement
4611 blemish 1730 blemishes 616 defection 543 disfigured 525 defect 405 disfigure 397 defects 269 disfigured 243 deform 239 deforme 196 blemishe 193 deformation 170 blot 162 defaced 122 blemished 119 deforming 106 blemysh 94 disfiguring 94 reprobation 90 defaced 87 disfigur'd 86 defeited 83 deformed 75 deface 73 deforme 68 spotted 67 foul 67 foule 50 kill 49 blemish 49 disfigur'd 46 deforms 44 blemisheth 42 deform 39 flaw 38 killed 37 blots 35 deforming 35 disfigures 34 blemished 31 specks 31 taint 29 pocks 28 blemisht 27 disguised 26 disfiguring 25 deformeth 25 disformed 24 scratcht 23 deformations 21 defacing 21 pocks 20 speck 20 deform'd 19 excrescence 18 disfigurement 17 deformed 17 deforming 17 defacing 16 defeit 15 defections 15 disfigureth 14 defeat 14 defeature 14 vice 13 defeature 13 excrescences 13 blemish'd 13 disfiguring 12 disgrace 11 pock 11 flaws 10 defac'd 10 spot 10 defac'd