TOP >  AV: Will
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AV:03:a:01}: Will: Intention: Planning: Plotting
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AV:03:a:01 Will: Intention: Planning: Plotting
  16460 plot 7696 conspiracy 6356 nostrum 6337 plots 3952 conspirators 3622 conspiracies 3283 conspiracie 3017 plot 2944 nostrum 2416 plotted 1579 plotting 1306 purchase 915 faction 874 watch 701 conspiratours 634 contrivers 586 condescend 562 plotters 485 manage 425 cabal 411 maligned 398 contrived 384 confederates 384 maligne 350 design 337 contriver 334 plotting 322 factions 314 cabalists 308 contrive 289 purchased 273 conspirator 269 cabals 263 complotted 240 managed 237 conspire 223 plott 209 hatched 196 contriving 196 complot 195 conjecture 189 designs 186 plotter 183 confederate 176 feign 163 plotte 156 plotts 150 condiscend 148 malign 145 conspiration 143 confederacy 136 plottings 133 complots 132 hatch 131 plotted 128 contrivances 126 conspiracye 124 maligning 118 designes 117 contriv'd 116 plots 113 conjectures 113 plotting 107 forge 103 complot 100 watching 99 intrigue 98 contrivance 94 conjure 91 managing 91 watched 88 politicians 87 conspired 87 machinations 82 caball 80 designe 80 cabalist 78 forged 77 devices 76 collogue 75 politician 71 mannage 71 condescended 69 compacted 69 conspiratour 67 complotters 66 feigned 64 coniure 62 compassed 62 hatching 60 complotting 57 brewers 57 surmise 55 manag'd 53 hatcht 52 conspirers 52 hatcher 51 confederation 51 practice 48 compasser 47 conspirant 47 compacts 47 hatch'd 46 intrigues 45 shuffle 44 watche 44 caballing 43 conspirations 43 compact 42 confederacies 42 plott 41 intrigue 36 managing 36 feigne 36 contriue 36 purchace 35 pretended 35 contriued 34 texture 33 brew 33 condescende 32 conspiring 31 countermine 31 confederacie 31 compacted 30 procure 29 counterplot 28 hatchers 27 complotter 27 polititian 27 confederats 26 conspyracie 25 practisers 25 complotments 25 conspirer 25 complotted 25 faigne 24 counterplot 24 trinkets 23 faynest 23 intreague 22 purchas'd 22 compact 21 complots 21 device 20 conjuring 20 coniectures 20 malign'd 20 polititians 20 feuds 20 confederated 19 compassing 19 packing 19 coniecture 18 shuffled 18 scheme 18 plotte 18 fayned 18 counterplots 17 undermining 17 complotting 17 engineer 17 watcheth 17 conjured 17 contriuing 16 contrivement 16 mannaged 16 underminings 16 feigning 16 complotment 15 contrives 14 feign'd 14 brewer 14 purchasing 14 intrigued 14 practitioner 14 caballing 13 forging 13 maligns 13 caballed 13 conspirant 12 deuices 12 colloguing 12 closeted 12 devise 11 countermining 11 pretending 11 fellow-conspirators 11 forg'd 11 conjur'd 10 watches 10 catilinarian 10 brewing 10 machinator 10 caballers 10 intreagues 10 counterplotting 10 caballings 10 closetting 10 counterplotted