TOP >  AY: Society
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AY:04:f:03}: Society: Social relations: Lack of social communication/relations: Separation/isolation
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AY:04:f:03 Society: Social relations: Lack of social communication/relations: Separation/isolation
  10042 of 10042 out 10038 it 5185 barbarians 3986 strangers 2903 stranger 2678 barbarous 1669 separated 1431 barbarian 802 aloofe 795 bohemian 509 pagans 470 aloof 447 loof 420 sequestred 400 externe 375 without 309 barbary 307 aliens 284 straungers 246 barbarian 232 separated 221 separate 221 dissoluble 209 seperated 178 pagan 168 straunger 120 estrange 119 separate 113 dissolvable 107 alien 99 uncouth 96 separation 80 barbaries 80 way 80 out 72 island 69 barbars 55 abscessions 54 vncouth 53 foreign 50 barbarus 44 unco 43 departed 37 barbar 36 outside 35 separating 34 transmarine 34 inmates 31 strangers 30 islands 29 stranges 28 disband 27 disbanded 26 inmate 24 abscession 22 guest 22 estranger 22 alienate 21 sequester'd 21 estranges 20 sequester 20 sequestered 20 non-members 19 seperate 19 estraunge 17 barbaryns 15 extern 14 externe 14 depart 14 externes 13 alienated 13 seperated 13 separates 13 outside 12 sole 12 detachment 11 forraine 11 dread 10 forreign 10 non-member 10 barbarus