TOP >  AZ: Inhabiting and dwelling
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AZ:01}: Inhabiting and dwelling: Inhabiting temporarily
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AZ:01:a Inhabiting and dwelling: Inhabiting temporarily: Haunting/resorting
3335 resorted 2004 accustomed 1993 to 846 resorting 630 haunt 615 resort 591 rural 525 rurall 499 haunts 420 conversant 389 habituated 340 conuersant 209 frequenting 192 resorteth 143 resorts 122 frequented 122 habituate 108 resorting 106 resorte 84 conuersaunt 67 frequent 60 haunte 46 resortyng 45 vse 43 use 37 vsed 29 frequenting 28 haunt 25 resort 23 haunting 23 conuersaunte 22 resortynge 16 repaire 15 used 10 repair
AZ:01:b Inhabiting and dwelling: Inhabiting temporarily: Camping/encamping
3696 pitched 3640 encamped 2531 pitch 1251 incamped 868 pitcht 861 pitch'd 517 pitching 480 camped 432 encamp 411 encamp'd 403 camp 393 encamping 369 encampe 273 campe 199 incamp 177 incampe 142 lodged 139 pitcheth 127 slain 106 pitche 84 lodge 79 camping 77 pitching 72 tent 66 pitch't 63 pitches 56 campe 52 camps 47 encamps 37 slay 33 tented 28 discamping 28 campes 27 campt 26 lodging 22 slaine 18 camp 18 camping 14 tenting 12 slaying 11 tenting 10 campings
AZ:01:c Inhabiting and dwelling: Inhabiting temporarily: Exile/state of
1803 exiled 1087 exile 437 exil'd 387 exyled 297 exile 178 extermination 178 exilde 127 ostracism 126 ostracisme 109 exiling 107 exul 98 exyle 94 deportation 32 exiles 31 dissettlement 25 restauration 20 banished 19 repeal 17 confined 16 restaurations 15 expelled 14 exyle 13 petalism 12 exterminated 11 exulant 10 sequestration