TOP >  AZ: Inhabiting and dwelling
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {AZ:01:a}: Inhabiting and dwelling: Inhabiting temporarily: Haunting/resorting
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AZ:01:a Inhabiting and dwelling: Inhabiting temporarily: Haunting/resorting
3335 resorted 2004 accustomed 1993 to 846 resorting 630 haunt 615 resort 591 rural 525 rurall 499 haunts 420 conversant 389 habituated 340 conuersant 209 frequenting 192 resorteth 143 resorts 122 frequented 122 habituate 108 resorting 106 resorte 84 conuersaunt 67 frequent 60 haunte 46 resortyng 45 vse 43 use 37 vsed 29 frequenting 28 haunt 25 resort 23 haunting 23 conuersaunte 22 resortynge 16 repaire 15 used 10 repair