TOP >  BB: Authority
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {BB:07:f}: Authority: Office: Symbol of office/authority
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BB:07:f Authority: Office: Symbol of office/authority
17233 rod 11033 scepter 10660 purse 4519 crown 3736 purses 3599 rods 2972 throne 2579 orbe 1725 orb 1560 estate 1259 silence 1178 crowne 1053 orbs 960 estates 852 roddes 829 sceptre 772 regalia 729 orbes 596 crowns 556 insigne 479 see 403 insignes 401 diadem 341 togue 312 pursse 299 purs 226 rodd 181 crownes 154 ensigns 151 diademe 136 ensignes 120 bench 120 togues 112 thrones 109 solers 104 rodds 93 ensigne 91 coronal 91 solie 91 virge 86 coronary 84 circle 80 wand 71 coronet 70 sceptres 68 pursses 68 diadems 67 collar 60 chair 52 caduceus 50 ensign 48 vare 40 baston 37 seat 34 coronets 32 yard 29 coller 28 stool 26 crowned 26 seat-royal 26 vares 25 verge 25 benches 25 astate 25 circles 25 croune 19 ermine 19 throned 19 tipstaff 19 pall 17 ermines 16 seate 16 truncheon 14 mace 14 collars 13 chaire 13 toga 13 virges 13 yards 13 throane 12 sylence 12 sandals 12 bastons 11 sword 11 wands