TOP >  BB: Authority
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {BB:09}: Authority: Subjection
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BB:09:a Authority: Subjection: Subjecting/subjugation
38281 creatures 29831 creature 10056 subdued 9714 subdue 5334 quench 2680 managing 2652 quenched 2141 subduing 1995 represse 1105 censors 916 censure 845 censor 825 repress 803 repressed 783 subduing 734 suppressing 710 subdues 593 subdueth 588 repressing 570 quenching 530 quenche 529 censures 476 quencheth 452 submit 428 distrain 378 repressing 377 suppressed 365 suppress 356 distrained 318 repose 305 reposed 300 subjected 279 stoop 260 represseth 242 mannaging 242 suppresse 239 suppressing 236 suppression 214 overpowered 208 taming 204 captivating 200 creatur 193 subjugated 187 quencht 178 overpower 177 creaturs 165 subjugate 157 overpowred 153 subordinated 151 stoope 144 overpower'd 138 quench'd 136 over-powred 134 represse 128 down 118 represt 117 quenches 106 nither 104 subdewed 104 master 99 subdewe 94 nither 91 endanger 84 subduer 83 reposing 81 endangered 79 subdude 76 supprest 73 quell 70 starve 66 submitted 64 subject 63 repression 63 vassalage 62 subjecting 58 overbear 57 subduction 57 repress'd 54 subdu'd 50 subduyng 47 subduers 47 distraining 47 creture 45 subjecting 44 overpowering 43 represses 43 subjugation 41 ass 41 subjugating 40 ouerbeare 39 overpowers 38 repress 37 melted 37 depress 36 suppress'd 35 compressure 35 starved 33 subiugate 33 daunted 33 submitting 33 subiugated 32 subordinating 31 looked 29 reposeth 28 look 28 represseth 26 overpowr'd 26 distrains 25 censureship 25 endangering 24 subiected 24 quelled 24 schooled 24 stooping 23 suppeditate 23 quench't 22 subduest 21 endangers 21 suppressor 21 reduce 21 assubject 21 starue 20 depressed 20 depresse 20 managings 19 subdueing 18 subduyng 18 suppressors 17 asses 17 asse 17 ranged 16 subacted 16 indanger 16 reduced 15 range 15 daunt 14 oppression 14 starv'd 14 captiuating 13 atame 13 reducing 13 taming 13 subjugates 13 subiect 12 quelling 12 subjects 12 mastered 12 surpressed 12 melting 12 civilize 12 suppresseth 12 overbears 11 maumet 11 suppresser 11 subiecting 11 starving 11 repressyng 11 assubjected 10 repressyng 10 indangered 10 indangering 10 melt 10 censured 10 surpress 10 quell'd 10 depressing 10 subact
BB:09:b Authority: Subjection: Service
100923 service 52261 servants 46833 seruice 44052 servant 20818 seruants 16462 services 16343 seruant 14138 followers 12190 homage 8692 family 6652 attendance 6365 courtiers 5592 seruauntes 5504 seruaunt 4384 attendants 4253 serve 3801 courtier 3720 vassals 3682 seruices 3341 families 3157 toto 2933 valet 2858 seruyce 2790 retinue 2540 seruantes 2486 obliged 1991 folke 1739 vassal 1582 people 1361 serviceable 1331 serue 1324 liege 1293 served 1290 page 1182 toties 1164 vassall 1148 serv'd 1120 commendation 1072 attendant 1067 maid 1064 obsequies 1016 seruaunte 1010 personal 967 companions 959 oblige 957 nan 930 follower 795 attend 779 service 777 servitude 752 familie 716 drudge 709 dependants 700 seruiceable 675 help 661 servent 646 homages 645 folk 640 deserve 630 ministration 588 companion 587 butler 530 attendant 528 serving 527 courtier 525 pag 524 folkes 518 ministry 507 oblig'd 507 seruyse 498 maids 493 footmen 481 borderers 461 deserves 448 attended 426 serves 416 attendaunce 414 dependant 407 drudges 400 serued 395 deserved 390 pages 388 laymen 379 folks 346 menial 320 retainers 319 steward 315 minister 312 seruitude 309 commendations 302 personall 280 usher 274 ancilla 265 serving-man 264 valete 261 steward 261 attending 260 helpe 259 layman 250 man-servant 246 footemen 244 privy 244 servis 240 seruice 239 manhood 233 courtyer 229 slut 229 officiate 228 totos 224 lieges 221 retainer 220 purveyors 219 door-keeper 216 leige 208 chambermaid 195 obsequiousness 192 courting 190 ministery 187 maide 185 foot-boy 185 seruante 175 harlot 174 priuie 171 abigail 169 serviceableness 167 serueth 165 lackey 164 woman 161 women 161 waiting-woman 159 serving-men 156 seruing 156 famulus 155 obsequie 154 servauntes 153 servantes 153 vassaile 151 obliging 151 deserue 146 mayde 145 obliges 145 deserued 143 attendances 142 seru'd 141 homagers 138 valets 134 regardant 134 courtyers 132 sue 129 gentleman 129 servaunt 127 running 124 handmaid 123 helots 123 knight-service 122 obsequiousnesse 121 abigail 121 homager 120 officers 120 maides 115 gentlemen 115 maidens 115 housekeeper 114 meniall 114 footman 113 eye-service 112 retinues 110 vassalles 108 handmaids 108 door-keepers 108 lacquey 108 butlers 106 serving 106 hine 105 wench 103 obsequious 100 commended 98 lad 96 ministerie 95 subserve 95 hirelings 95 footmanship 94 dependers 94 bearer 94 obsequy 93 vallet 92 nanny 91 myrmidons 90 sluts 89 officiating 88 sequaces 88 serveth 88 of 88 deserueth 86 ichoglans 86 helps 85 purveyor 83 priuy 83 stewards 83 sued
BB:09:b:01 Authority: Subjection: Service: Servant
  52261 servants 44052 servant 20818 seruants 16343 seruant 14138 followers 8692 family 6652 attendance 6365 courtiers 5592 seruauntes 5504 seruaunt 4384 attendants 3801 courtier 3341 families 3157 toto 2933 valet 2790 retinue 2667 service 2540 seruantes 2486 obliged 1991 folke 1582 people 1290 page 1182 toties 1072 attendant 1067 maid 1016 seruaunte 1010 personal 980 serv'd 967 companions 959 oblige 957 nan 930 follower 814 serve 752 familie 716 drudge 709 dependants 675 help 661 servent 645 folk 628 servitude 588 companion 587 butler 530 attendant 527 courtier 525 pag 524 folkes 507 oblig'd 498 maids 493 footmen 488 seruice 416 attendaunce 415 services 414 dependant 407 drudges 390 pages 388 laymen 379 folks 346 menial 320 retainers 319 steward 302 personall 280 usher 274 ancilla 265 serving-man 264 valete 261 steward 260 helpe 259 layman 258 seruitude 250 man-servant 246 footemen 244 privy 233 courtyer 229 slut 228 totos 221 retainer 220 purveyors 219 door-keeper 208 chambermaid 192 courting 187 maide 185 foot-boy 185 seruante 175 harlot 174 priuie 171 abigail 165 lackey 164 woman 161 women 161 waiting-woman 159 serving-men 156 famulus 154 servauntes 153 servantes 151 obliging 146 mayde 145 obliges 143 attendances 138 valets 134 courtyers 131 seru'd 129 servaunt 129 gentleman 127 running 124 handmaid 121 abigail 120 maides 120 officers 115 housekeeper 115 gentlemen 115 maidens 114 meniall 114 footman 113 eye-service 112 retinues 108 lacquey 108 butlers 108 door-keepers 108 handmaids 106 hine 105 wench 103 obsequious 102 served 98 lad 95 hirelings 95 footmanship 94 dependers 94 bearer 93 vallet 93 serue 92 nanny 91 myrmidons 90 sluts 88 sequaces 88 of 86 ichoglans 86 helps 85 purveyor 83 priuy 83 stewards 81 vsher 79 unattended 77 chambermaids 76 scullion 75 out 73 knave 72 pursuivants 71 harlots 71 ushers 69 stewards 68 maydens 68 chore 68 deyed 67 serving 67 lackies 67 pursuivant 64 hireling 63 diligent 59 ancillas 59 housekeepers 58 pantler 58 pensionary 57 spenser 57 privie 57 handmaiden 57 scullions 56 waiting-women 54 foot-boys 54 bearers 53 nomenclator 53 retynue 52 knaves 50 pursue 50 obligeth 50 peoples 50 maydes 49 serued 49 girl 49 spender 48 attendents 48 attendaunt 48 lackie 48 maidservant 48 minions 47 attenders 46 hewe 46 tendant 46 knaue 46 sue 44 chambermaide 44 obliger 44 janitor 43 mademoiselle 43 equipage 43 servaunts 42 drudg 42 attender 42 seruices 42 servient 40 attended
BB:09:b:02 Authority: Subjection: Service: Feudal service
  12190 homage 3719 vassals 1738 vassal 1324 liege 1164 vassall 1120 commendation 646 homages 481 borderers 309 commendations 239 manhood 224 lieges 216 leige 153 vassaile 149 servitude 141 homagers 134 regardant 123 helots 123 knight-service 121 homager 110 vassalles 100 commended 86 sue 75 bordars 59 liedge 54 seruitude 54 sued 46 vassels 46 fee 44 borderer 42 commended 41 vassell 39 commend 32 leege 27 manship 26 carriage 24 regardant 21 regardants 20 knight-service 20 manhode 19 leudest 18 commendacion 18 manhoode 17 churle 17 bordar 17 vassalage 16 feudatary 15 feudataries 15 reddendo 15 leidge 15 subvassal 15 commends 12 sues 12 commending 11 fees 10 carriages 10 leud
BB:09:c Authority: Subjection: Slavery/bondage
17273 bondage 9422 slaves 7331 slavery 6722 slave 4815 slaues 3589 servitude 3512 slaue 2743 seruitude 2145 thrall 1768 bondage 1750 chattels 1090 enslave 884 bondmen 865 enslaved 801 thraldom 800 bondman 774 slauerie 745 slauery 708 sold 607 danger 497 servants 394 slavish 385 boy 374 servant 317 inslave 314 enslav'd 310 slave 302 bondwoman 297 inslaved 284 sell 254 enslaving 254 slaverie 254 slaue 233 tied 203 enthrall 188 bondslaves 162 servitute 156 seruant 149 seruants 146 bondslave 140 seruytude 132 chattells 123 boys 123 daunger 111 servitudes 110 boyes 110 tie 109 servilely 105 string 103 inslav'd 100 dangers 92 solde 91 enslaved 90 enslaves 84 tyed 80 selling 79 thralled 77 bondages 76 sclaves 76 slaveries 75 servitute 73 slauish 69 thralles 67 tye 64 thralls 63 bounded 63 chattles 63 pawn 61 strings 59 inslaving 53 serve 53 pawne 51 galley-slaves 47 bondslaves 46 chattel 46 bondwomen 40 enthralling 40 slaves 38 thralled 38 seruaunt 37 manciple 37 thralle 36 neif 36 serve 33 inslaved 33 enthralled 29 unfree 29 tying 27 slaues 27 servitutes 26 ties 25 seruauntes 24 serue 23 sould 22 slaved 21 thrill 21 thirlage 18 thraldoms 18 serviture 18 inthralled 15 enslav'd 15 bondservants 15 servitutes 15 servage 15 seruantes 14 daungers 13 pawns 13 bond-service 13 trall 13 sel 12 embondaged 12 boies 12 slave-like 11 boye 11 paune 11 enslavement 11 enthralment 11 galley-slave 11 emancipated 11 sells 11 beslaved 11 slaving 10 bondsman 10 bondmans 10 inslav'd
BB:09:d Authority: Subjection: Obedience
112848 obedience 58602 obey 16752 obedient 14054 submission 13642 compelled 6574 obeying 6318 stand 5530 imposition 4690 made 4478 obeyed 4348 submit 4251 compell 4159 apply 3951 make 3838 stood 2991 compel 2963 impositions 2708 obnoxious 2627 application 2627 compulsion 2421 standing 2293 perforce 2246 forced 1999 force 1889 stands 1732 compell'd 1627 standeth 1552 obay 1521 discipline 1462 tractable 1378 obliged 1374 conformable 1366 forces 1364 applied 1345 submissive 1112 obediently 1028 obeyeth 995 force 995 compelling 967 obey'd 924 tamely 917 submitted 899 oblige 898 obeys 884 supple 854 applying 826 distress 820 orderly 776 submissions 751 makes 737 deference 713 enforced 704 imposed 702 making 689 constrained 674 obedyence 673 teeth 661 compelleth 646 distresse 628 applicable 618 coactive 613 sue 610 obeie 569 applyed 542 compels 523 submitting 485 yielding 470 compeld 468 facility 465 flexible 463 impose 440 conformity 433 submissively 431 necessitous 424 forc'd 416 keeping 391 stande 380 constraine 374 obeyes 374 obedyent 373 yeelding 371 inforced 341 distresses 339 applie 337 obeied 331 non-resistance 327 appliable 302 stoode 299 peace 290 necessary 284 applications 284 submitting 261 applies 259 stode 256 obediente 255 compells 252 passive 241 tame 229 rule 228 compellable 227 submissiue 227 prostituted 226 obaye 225 compliant 221 compel'd 219 forcing 217 malleable 216 disciplin'd 213 civil 211 thrust 206 obeying 202 disciplined 200 truckle 197 constrain 197 exactions 192 towardly 187 apply'd 180 imposing 179 maketh 177 obediential 175 ruled 172 own 156 applye 145 obediences 140 docility 140 governable 138 haled 131 implicite 131 submits 130 manageable 127 docible 126 tameness 125 obliges 124 constraining 123 enforcing 122 prostitute 119 complacential 118 facilitie 117 obayed 116 docile 115 constraint 108 suppled 107 forces 105 applieth 104 obaying 101 implicit 98 exaction 94 inforcing 92 obeyd 90 obeying 89 sacrifice 89 serve 88 constrayne 86 tied 84 peremptorily 84 applyeth 84 obliging 83 yeilding 80 obeyers 80 prostrate 79 distressed 76 buxome 75 sued 74 civility 71 enforcing 70 obeyer 70 oblig'd 69 coaction 68 obtruded 66 constrainedly 64 buxom 64 coercive 64 suppling 64 obligeth 62 hear 62 taxed 61 quiet 61 slavish 61 compliance 60 wrest 59 obedientially 58 constraining 56 extorted 56 forceth 55 cogent 54 prostituting 53 obliege 53 evince 53 enforcement 52 subordination 51 flexile 51 obedienter 51 coercitive 51 standyng 51 dedition 49 coacted 49 compelld 49 enforc'd 49 conformitie 49 compulsions
BB:09:d:01 Authority: Subjection: Obedience: Manageability
  1462 tractable 1374 conformable 884 supple 628 applicable 468 facility 465 flexible 327 appliable 241 tame 228 compellable 225 compliant 217 malleable 192 towardly 140 docility 140 governable 130 manageable 127 docible 119 complacential 118 facilitie 116 docile 108 suppled 64 suppling 51 flexile 44 supples 39 tractableness 37 compliance 36 facile 33 correspondence 30 compliancy 29 willows 27 tames 23 malleableness 22 pliant 22 fictile 21 willow 20 tameable 19 managable 19 good 18 willowes 18 fellow 17 sequacious 15 forceable 15 ductible 15 maniable 14 commandable 14 pliantness 13 suppling 13 tractability 13 obsequent 12 complaisant 11 complacence 11 malleability 10 tractably 10 complaisance 10 correspondency 10 plyant 10 regulable
BB:09:d:02 Authority: Subjection: Obedience: Submissiveness
  14054 submission 4348 submit 2708 obnoxious 2627 application 1345 submissive 924 tamely 917 submitted 776 submissions 737 deference 523 submitting 485 yielding 433 submissively 373 yeelding 331 non-resistance 284 submitting 284 applications 252 passive 227 submissiue 227 prostituted 200 truckle 172 own 131 submits 126 tameness 122 prostitute 90 obeying 83 yeilding 80 prostrate 61 slavish 54 prostituting 52 subordination 51 dedition 47 submissiveness 39 vail 37 owned 34 owning 32 deferred 32 surrendred 28 authorized 26 submitte 25 defer 25 owns 24 truckled 24 submitters 24 passive 24 submitting 23 louted 22 own'd 22 truckling 21 deferring 20 prostitutes 18 submitt 18 truckles 17 bow 17 submissly 15 louting 15 submitteth 12 stoop 12 submittance 12 non-resisting 11 deferences 11 yelding 11 submision 11 bent 11 authorize 11 submyt 11 vailing 10 surrender
BB:09:d:03 Authority: Subjection: Obedience: Compulsion
  13642 compelled 5530 imposition 4690 made 4251 compell 3951 make 2991 compel 2963 impositions 2627 compulsion 2293 perforce 2246 forced 1999 force 1732 compell'd 1378 obliged 1366 forces 995 compelling 995 force 899 oblige 826 distress 751 makes 713 enforced 704 imposed 702 making 689 constrained 673 teeth 661 compelleth 646 distresse 618 coactive 542 compels 470 compeld 463 impose 431 necessitous 424 forc'd 380 constraine 371 inforced 341 distresses 290 necessary 255 compells 229 rule 221 compel'd 219 forcing 211 thrust 197 constrain 197 exactions 180 imposing 179 maketh 175 ruled 138 haled 125 obliges 124 constraining 123 enforcing 115 constraint 107 forces 98 exaction 94 inforcing 88 constrayne 86 tied 84 obliging 79 distressed 71 enforcing 70 oblig'd 69 coaction 68 obtruded 66 constrainedly 64 coercive 64 obligeth 62 taxed 60 wrest 58 constraining 56 extorted 56 forceth 55 cogent 53 enforcement 53 evince 53 obliege 51 coercitive 49 enforc'd 49 compelld 49 coacted 49 compulsions 47 inforc'd 47 extort 47 rul'd 46 imposes 44 evinced 44 constrayned 41 down 40 thrown 39 impos'd 37 extracted 37 forc't 36 wrested 36 constrain'd 35 constraining 35 need 34 inforcing 33 rules 32 inforcement 31 needy 31 distres 30 compulsyon 30 wrung 30 compelling 29 imposeth 29 needie 28 coercion 28 haling 26 necessarie 26 throw 26 coercent 26 violenced 26 remitting 24 constrains 24 necessiated 23 oblidge 23 constrained 22 tyed 22 enforcements 21 wring 20 tie 20 reduce 20 coerce 19 angariation 18 necessitated 18 dragooning 18 needs 17 wresting 17 inforst 17 levy 17 threw 17 compulsorily 17 extract 17 thrusting 17 necessity 16 compelles 16 enforcers 15 enforcedly 15 dystresse 15 enforcer 15 tying 15 reinforcement 13 compulsive 13 coercing 13 levying 13 compulsed 13 enforc't 12 extortious 12 tax 12 coercively 11 distrain 11 exactors 11 constraineth 10 constraines 10 tye 10 throwing 10 distrained 10 imposers 10 ties 10 mak
BB:09:e Authority: Subjection: Restraint/restraining
31085 violence 14463 obliged 11388 captivity 9963 restrained 9612 restraint 9512 constrained 9257 limits 8635 limited 8227 restrain 7140 confines 5787 captive 5705 oblige 5646 captives 4967 restraine 4594 limitation 4192 captiuitie 3920 limit 3250 fetters 3166 camp 3078 captive 2972 prisoner 2838 captiues 2654 captiue 2507 prisoners 2352 bound 2325 restraining 2110 chains 2053 check 2038 campe 1924 oblig'd 1704 limitations 1697 restraints 1682 captiue 1562 limit 1503 check 1423 restrained 1390 restrain'd 1328 captiuity 1321 violences 1282 restriction 1264 limits 1223 constrain 1214 captivitie 1189 captivated 1082 obliges 1050 limitted 1038 constraine 982 restrayned 952 checke 928 obligeth 911 restrains 788 straitly 788 captivate 768 limiting 746 limites 745 chaines 744 checked 726 fettered 715 restrayne 702 constrayned 699 restrictions 696 checks 691 obliging 671 checks 667 restraineth 641 in 640 checke 630 durance 620 forbid 575 stay 570 constrain'd 559 vyolence 529 finished 509 repressed 507 guard 480 restraining 477 safety 472 pining 464 confined 457 held 451 iron 440 regiment 424 bounded 416 bind 415 pined 413 measure 396 chain 394 restraines 385 fetter 383 fetters 382 restricted 374 guards 357 checking 356 constraineth 354 constraining 345 limiting 330 chastisement 324 constrayne 315 fetter'd 312 forbidden 294 checkt 275 pin 266 straiten 260 limiteth 256 straitned 249 restraining 248 clog 247 constrains 247 limittes 238 captiuate 238 pin'd 238 limited 236 manacles 235 strict 234 limites 233 swadled 229 closely 224 restrict 223 restrayning 220 rebuke 219 hostages 218 checkes 217 limite 217 confine 215 immur'd 212 tartarus 209 captiuated 209 confinement 208 immured 206 abstain 203 circumscribed 203 manacled 202 withholding 202 captived 201 check'd 196 binding 195 captivities 194 resting 188 prison 185 chaine 184 dark 183 close 181 chained 181 pinion 178 cooped 177 strangled 176 constreined 175 limite 174 fettered 171 constraines 171 restrain'd 170 hamper 170 restreyned 170 cage 169 yron 165 binde 164 duresse 163 hold 162 bounds 160 fetter'd 158 room 152 streightned 150 curbing 148 forbids 146 restraynt 146 regiments 145 hostage 145 immure 145 checketh 144 pinned 139 constreyned 138 directed 138 obliege 133 prisonment 131 fetter 129 prescription 129 hamper 128 in 128 mew 127 measured 126 rebuked 125 captivates 124 prisoned 120 coercion 118 oblieged 117 chaynes 115 hampered 112 fettred 112 silence 111 coopt 110 restrayned 110 chastisements 109 confine 108 clogs 106 constrayneth 105 bordering 104 bridle 101 coop'd 99 clogge 99 captived
BB:09:e:01 Authority: Subjection: Restraint/restraining: Restraint depriving of liberty
  14154 obliged 11388 captivity 10331 violence 7046 confines 5787 captive 5646 captives 5590 oblige 4192 captiuitie 3166 camp 3078 captive 2970 prisoner 2881 fetters 2838 captiues 2654 captiue 2505 prisoners 2087 chains 2074 constrained 2038 campe 1879 oblig'd 1769 bound 1682 captiue 1328 captiuity 1214 captivitie 1189 captivated 1068 obliges 926 obligeth 788 captivate 788 straitly 740 chaines 675 obliging 630 durance 599 fettered 507 guard 477 restraint 477 safety 475 violences 454 confined 451 iron 435 pining 413 bind 382 pined 374 guards 371 chain 361 vyolence 342 fetters 332 fetter 310 stay 292 constrain 280 constrayned 262 fetter'd 257 straiten 254 constraine 254 straitned 252 pin 248 clog 238 captiuate 236 manacles 235 strict 233 pin'd 229 closely 219 hostages 215 immur'd 212 tartarus 210 confine 209 captiuated 209 confinement 208 immured 202 captived 196 binding 195 captivities 188 prison 184 dark 183 close 182 manacled 181 pinion 180 chained 179 chaine 178 cooped 174 fettered 169 yron 168 constrain'd 166 hamper 165 binde 164 duresse 160 fetter'd 158 room 149 streightned 148 constrayne 145 hostage 145 immure 133 prisonment 132 obliege 128 constraineth 128 pinned 128 mew 125 captivates 117 prisoned 117 chaynes 116 oblieged 115 fetter 111 coopt 108 clogs 108 hampered 108 confine 101 coop'd 100 restraints 99 captived 99 clogge 98 safetie 92 captivating 90 pyning 89 confin'd 87 coop 86 shackles 84 hamper 84 fettred 82 camps 80 binds 76 mussulman 75 constreyned 75 mewe 71 straitened 70 manacle 69 confining 68 pinions 68 gyves 66 pind 65 coerce 65 straitens 64 bounde 63 pinn'd 62 pinioned 62 constrains 61 constraining 61 pyned 61 up 60 constrayneth 60 mews 60 pinne 60 captiuitye 58 coop 58 coope 57 oblidge 56 chained 56 oblidged 55 closure 53 gard 53 stayed 53 duress 52 bindeth 52 campes 52 hamper'd 51 prisoning 50 pinning 50 enchained 50 hampers 49 pinde 49 bounded 48 shackled 47 safeguard 45 safegard 44 confining 43 intern 43 strait 43 garde 43 trapped 42 pinion'd 40 caged 39 fettering 39 straited 39 fettred 38 chain'd 38 snared 38 straitned 37 immur'd 37 coope 37 constraint 34 cuffing 33 detained 33 clogges 32 bynde 32 chain'd 31 stricter 30 cuffs 30 ergastulum 30 custody 29 captivateth 29 captivation 29 recover 29 incarcerated 29 chayne 29 pris'ner 28 strictest 28 staying 27 constraines 27 transmigration 26 immured 26 recovered 26 rooms 26 captiving
BB:09:e:02 Authority: Subjection: Restraint/restraining: Restriction/limitation
  20754 violence 9257 limits 8635 limited 5538 constrained 4594 limitation 3920 limit 1704 limitations 1562 limit 1282 restriction 1264 limits 1050 limitted 846 violences 782 constrain 768 limiting 746 limites 699 restrictions 650 constraine 583 bound 529 finished 424 bounded 413 measure 382 restricted 369 fetters 345 limiting 344 constrayned 320 constrain'd 260 limiteth 247 limittes 242 constraining 238 limited 234 limites 233 swadled 224 restrict 217 limite 203 constraineth 203 circumscribed 198 vyolence 177 strangled 175 limite 170 constrains 165 cage 162 bounds 151 constreined 140 constrayne 129 prescription 127 fettered 127 measured 116 constraines 105 bordering 99 limitting 94 confines 82 swathe 81 finish 70 lymits 70 to 68 limitts 66 obligation 65 limmits 64 circumscribe 63 reservedly 62 imprisoned 61 strangle 58 constraind 57 tramels 54 swathes 53 fetter 53 fetter'd 48 constreyned 47 lymites 46 bounding 46 lymited 45 restrictive 45 hamper 44 circumscription 43 keep 43 restricting 43 swaddle 42 measuring 42 finishing 42 reserved 42 bounded 41 prescriptions 41 fetters 40 restricts 37 pining 36 constrayneth 36 circumscribed 36 narrow 35 constrayning 33 pined 33 limitte 31 obligations 30 uiolence 30 scant 28 fettred 27 trammels 26 stint 26 limiteth 26 keeping 25 perstringed 25 finish'd 25 chain 24 contained 24 swaddled 23 pin 23 chains 21 manacled 20 contracted 20 cord 19 boundes 18 hamper'd 17 circumscrib'd 17 terminated 16 coarcted 16 pinned 16 pound 16 cords 16 bounding 16 cramps 16 fetter 16 predetermination 15 binding 14 limitted 14 perstringe 14 constrainde 13 closed 13 cramp 13 bounde 12 limitte 12 crampe 12 strangling 12 boundeth 12 pinne 11 limittes 11 finisht 11 strangled 11 reserued 11 reserv'd 11 restricted 11 close 11 moderation 11 violency 10 thongs 10 tramells 10 stinting 10 hampers 10 confined 10 limitts 10 pounded 10 modified
BB:09:f Authority: Subjection: Prohibition
18583 forbidden 18167 forbid 7513 prohibited 7361 prohibition 5108 forbids 3954 forbidden 3007 forbiddeth 2842 forbidding 2308 prohibit 2221 debarred 1936 prohibitions 1809 prohibiting 1657 forbidding 1204 prohibited 1060 disallowed 1052 prohibite 961 prohibits 907 disallow 737 refused 690 interdiction 669 proscribed 651 proscription 646 forbade 609 inhibited 494 debarr'd 462 forbyd 460 refuse 454 forbidde 402 intercession 388 debarring 372 shut 367 refusing 345 inhibit 313 exempted 250 excluded 249 enjoyned 247 inhibiting 230 proscriptions 221 interdicted 210 exempt 202 debar'd 194 bid 184 intercessions 184 intercede 184 forsaid 178 discharged 175 foreign 172 disallowing 164 proscribe 152 stopple 150 proscrib'd 141 excluding 137 debard 130 interdictions 124 discharge 121 forbode 116 disallowance 115 disallowe 115 excommunicated 113 exclusion 113 proscribed 106 nix 105 interdicted 104 interdict 93 injoyned 91 forbode 91 forbidd 91 suspending 88 excommunicate 88 defending 87 embargo 87 enjoined 84 veto 81 defence 79 prohibites 77 ban 76 repulsed 72 forbiding 72 bids 66 forreign 66 debarring 63 disallows 61 warned 59 disallowable 56 discharging 56 enjoyning 55 intercedes 54 refuseth 53 proscripts 52 proscript 52 interceding 52 inhibits 50 interceding 50 imbargo 50 inhibited 50 barred 49 forbiddest 48 enjoyn'd 47 countermand 47 forejudged 47 shutting 44 refuses 44 refus'd 43 proscribes 43 illicit 43 prohibitory 43 tribunitian 42 disallowing 41 interceded 40 proscribing 40 bidding 39 forbiddyng 38 enioyned 36 enjoyn 36 interdict 35 forbiding 35 non-admission 34 forraigne 34 bidden 34 stopples 34 warn 33 ban 33 forraine 33 unallowable 33 fence 32 forraign 32 bar 31 bade 30 countermanded 30 excluded 28 exempting 28 proscrib'd 27 shuts 25 repulse 25 barre 24 forbiddings 23 unallowed 21 exempts 21 excommunicating 20 forbide 20 forein 20 forbiddance 20 warning 20 proclaimed 19 interdicting 19 forfend 19 warne 19 forbidders 19 inhibiting 19 barring 19 countermand 19 fenced 18 excluding 18 enjoins 17 discharg'd 16 deprived 16 defend 16 enjoin 16 forbiddyng 16 forbidder 16 forejudge 16 injoined 15 interceed 15 withsaid 15 barrers 15 inhibition 15 repar 15 banne 15 fence 15 enjoin'd 14 discharges 14 inhibiting 14 forreine 14 injoyn 13 forfended 13 separate 13 warns 13 contraband 13 fences 13 biddeth 13 enjoining 13 enjoynes 13 excommunicates 12 deny 12 inhibiter 12 forreigne 12 forrein 12 inhibitory 12 secluded 11 seclude 11 injoyning 11 barrer 11 interceeding 11 countermands 11 barr'd 10 interdicts 10 restraint 10 forren 10 debarring 10 overruled