TOP >  BF: Faith
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {BF:17:b}: Faith: Religious law(s): Jewish Law
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BF:17:b Faith: Religious law(s): Jewish Law
9505 scribes 2348 scribe 2272 rabbins 1386 rabbi 1050 rabbies 339 gemara 195 rabbin 177 rabby 148 talmud 126 rabbis 92 cabbalists 59 cabbalistical 40 writers 26 cabal 22 rabbie 16 sephiroth 15 talmudical 14 rabbinish 13 rabbinical
BF:17:b:01 Faith: Religious law(s): Jewish Law: Talmudic scholar, rabbi
  2272 rabbins 1386 rabbi 1050 rabbies 195 rabbin 177 rabby 126 rabbis 22 rabbie 14 rabbinish 13 rabbinical