TOP >  BG: Communication
CATEGORY (click to search) Subcategories of {BG:05:k}: Communication: Information: Hint/covert suggestion
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BG:05:k Communication: Information: Hint/covert suggestion
3133 suspicious 3105 hinted 2364 hint 1576 suspitious 1233 hints 1105 hint 745 latent 369 hints 232 hinting 187 shaded 186 innuendo 157 thrust 144 latenter 104 glancing 87 induced 84 imply 80 alluding 64 suggested 64 intimated 50 intimate 48 insinuations 43 suggest 42 byword 42 glauncing 41 minister 40 induce 37 implies 35 suggestions 35 suggested 32 insinuative 30 alluding 29 involved 28 innuate 25 intimation 24 implied 24 intimated 22 deep 22 perstringed 21 involved 20 ministred 20 intimates 20 suggestion 20 intimations 16 byworde 15 involv'd 14 implying 13 educible 12 perstringe 11 inuendo 11 hinter 11 infusion 10 hinte 10 innuate