You can easily find the frequency and distribution of the synonyms of a given word, and see which synonyms are used more in different registers or historical periods. You can also include a synonyms list as part of a longer search string.

Click on any of the following links in the left-most column to carry out the search. Notice how the form is filled out, and then feel free to modify the form to carry out your own queries.

Examples Explanation Sample words
[=beautiful] synonyms of beautiful attractive, charming
[=scatter] synonyms of scatter throw, disperse, sprinkle
[=beautiful] [girl] synonyms of beautiful + form of girl lovely girl, gorgeous girls
[=clean] the [nn*] synonyms of clean + the + noun clean the house, scrub the floor
SEC1 = 1860s-1910s
SEC2 = 1970s-2000s
Comparison of the frequency of synonyms of beautiful in the 1860s-1910s (left) and the 1970s-2000s (right) 1860s-1910s: delightful, exquisite
1970s-2000s: stunning, scenic
[=beautiful] woman
SEC1 = 1860s-1910s
SEC2 = 1970s-2000s
Comparison of the frequency of synonyms of beautiful + woman in the 1860s-1910s (left) and the 1970s-2000s (right) 1860s-1910s: charming, pleasing woman
1970s-2000s: gorgeous, striking woman
SEC1 = 1860s-1910s
SEC2 = 1970s-2000s
Comparison of the frequency of synonyms of strong in the 1860s-1910s (left) and the 1970s-2000s (right) 1860s-1910s: stout, zealous, ardent
1970s-2000s: resilient, beefy, effective
[=strong] belief
SEC1 = 1860s-1910s
SEC2 = 1970s-2000s
Comparison of the frequency of synonyms of strong + belief in the 1860s-1910s (left) and the 1970s-2000s (right) 1860s-1910s: sturdy, intense belief
1970s-2000s: powerful, deep belief

Of course not all synonyms of a given word will be synonymous in all contexts, so not all of the results will be relevant.
