Customized word lists allow you to create a list of words and to then use these as part of a search. For example, you could have a list of words referring to a particular emotion (happy, glad, pleased), colors (green, blue, red, yellow, white), parts of something (screen, monitor, keyboard), or any other list (Shanghai, London, Cairo, Tokyo). Click here to create a list.

You can also save words from a search for a customized word list. For example, you could search for =happy and then just save the synonyms that you want. (More)

Once you have created a list, you can easily EDIT it or DELETE it. To insert it into the search form, just click on USE.

You can also use a customized word list directly as part of the search syntax with the @ symbol; for example @colors SHIRT, white @CLOTHES, or @colors @CLOTHES.

Note that the words in your list need to be single words, so you can't use phrases like New York, income tax, or cell phone. Also, note that if you capitalize the name of the list in the search string, it will find all forms of all words. Compare, for example, white @clothes and white @CLOTHES.