
There is no cost for basic access to the corpora from English-Corpora.org. But you might want to have a "premium account", which you can purchase by clicking on one of the links below.

1 month 1 year 2 years 3 years
$12.00 $30.00 $55.00 $75.00

Some of the advantages of a premium license are the following:

  Normal access With premium license
Messages Messages every 10-15 searches, asking if you want a premium license No more messages; uninterrupted searching
Number of searches per day 50 for most users
200 for professors and grad students
200 for most users
400 for professors and grad students
Number of days of access per week or month 3 days per week
10 days per month
No limits per week
No limits per month
Advanced features Some limits on the number of:
-  Virtual Corpora
-  Customized word lists
-  Entries in history (previous searches)
No limits

In addition, with a premium license:

You help keep the corpora financially viable. There are now more than 130,000 unique users of the corpora each month, and it takes a lot of money and effort to make them available. The income from premium accounts helps maintain the corpora. We also need to be planning for changes that will take place in the near future, so that the corpora can stay online. (more...)

You help those less fortunate. Without the income from premium accounts, we'd probably need to move to a paid license for everyone, like some other corpus sites. Unfortunately, this would probably exclude some lower-income students or teachers at universities in developing countries. The income from your purchase of a premium account helps provide access for those who cannot afford one.

Note that your university can also purchase an academic license, which allows multiple users from your university to have all of the advantages shown above.