
Mark Davies created these corpora at BYU (Brigham Young University), starting in 2004. During this time, they were available online at corpus.byu.edu, and they were known as the "BYU Corpora".

Starting in 2016, Scott Miller, the new dean of the College of Humanities, took several actions that seriously threatened the future of the corpora. This was in spite of the fact that the corpora were used more by people outside of BYU than any other resource at BYU.

(In fairness, part of the explanation for Scott Miller's actions might be that BYU has a mission that is not primarily academic in nature, and therefore some administrators are ignorant about how to behave intelligently and professionally in an academic setting.)

In order to protect the corpora, Mark Davies received formal approval from BYU in 2019 to move the corpora off-campus to www.english-corpora.org.

Fortunately, there is no longer any connection between Mark Davies and BYU, or between the corpora and BYU. This will help to protect the corpora, and to ensure their long-term availability for researchers, teachers, and students.