

The corpora from English-Corpora.org are free, but there are two ways to obtain increased access to the corpus data: purchasing full-text data, and obtaining an academic (university-wide) license.


Academic / site license

Full-text data


Online access to any of the seventeen corpora from English-Corpora.org.

Download the data for specific corpora to your own computer(s). Corpora currently available: iWeb, COCA, COHA, GloWbE, Wikipedia, NOW, Coronavirus, SOAP, TV Corpus, Movies Corpus.

Typical users

Students, and teachers/professors who prefer the web interface, and who do not need to manipulate the underlying corpus data.

Those who want to process the corpus data for their own purposes (typically those with programming skills, to manipulate lots of data), and those who do not want to be constrained by the web interface.

Effort involved

Essentially none; just use the web interface.

(Potentially) quite a bit: downloading the files, (possibly) formatting them for quick retrieval, mastering the use of text retrieval software, etc.

Format / queries

Queries available via the web interface.

Three formats (simple text, word/lemma/PoS, and database); many different uses.


$395 - $795 for a one year site license (more...)

$375 for one corpus, $595 for two, $200 each additional corpus (academic prices; more...)


One, two or three years (discounts for two or three year licenses)

One-time purchase; the license never expires.